Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Girl Syndrome!!!

Hey people!!! M back... I was really busy for nearly a year, so I have not been able to keep blogging for a long long time... I made a resolution for the new year to keep blogging at least once a week so that I will not lose touch... Lets see how this goes...

I have always had this bad habit of noticing how people behave (bad for me as my mind works overtime) and how they react to situations. But for the past few years, I started to notice how guys behave differently when they are with a girl. I am sure most of us would find this very very amusing. I certainly did! Here are a few guys that I noticed this in. I will start off with a brief introduction about the person and will then move on to the situations where I saw them change a lot:

1. Mr. Silent:
- Mr. Silent is a very quiet person with a very calm demeanor. He is actually a very nice person who believes that ladies fall for the guys who always keep to themselves. Then again, it seems that the ladies always like guys who look like they have a great secret in their heads. Guess its the intrigue which attracts them!

Me: Hey buddy!!! What were you doing last week???

Mr. Silent(Without a girl in the proximity): I had a good time, mate!!! Was out with my friends, so I enjoyed the time off!!!

Mr. Silent(With a girl in the proximity): I had some work.

Now, Mr. Silent never talks that much, but its just irritating to see him answer in one-liners. After that reply, no one will have the heart to ask anymore questions. Its almost like telling me to buzz off!!! Word of advice, Mr. Silent. If you like that girl so much, ask her out!!! Its not a crime. Just don't piss me off thinking that you are attracting her!!! Also, do hurry up!!! If you keep to yourself, she will be long gone before you get the guts to tell her how you feel!!!

2. Mr. Xerox:
- This is a typical character you can see everywhere. Mr. Xerox imitates others thinking that they are attracting the opposite sex. In fact, I believe they are doing just the opposite. Seriously, these type of people can never think of anything by themselves. They rely on the intelligence of others to make a point. This is a typical thing which happens when we chat with the girl they are trying to impress!!!

Me: Hey!!! Did you listen to the new album by XYZ???

Girl: Oh, when was this album launched? I never knew about it.

Mr. Xerox: Didn't you know??? It was launched a week ago. It was sung by ABC. Have
a look at this article I googled on my mobile.

I was under the impression that this guy was minding his own business when he jumps in the middle of the conversation!!! Mr. Xerox, I don't recall asking you anything. If you wanted to talk to her, you could have thought of a million different things!!! Why do you poke your abnormally large nose into our conversation just to say that you know things??? In future, if I need any info from you, I will ask. Just like I always have!!!

3. Mr. Tough Guy:
- This is the only person I hate among my friends. He acts like he has has the world on his shoulders. And sometimes, when he says that he has been through worse shit than me, I agree. But its really irritating to hear him recollect the past for every incident. I guess he thinks that he is putting me down before the girl's eyes, because he will talk nothing like that when the guys are around. Just to give you a hint:

Me: Man, I really screwed this one!!! The guys will tear me apart!!!

Mr. Tough Guy(Without a girl in the vicinity): Hey, don't you worry mate!!! Things will be fine. You have did what you should, that's all!!!

Mr. Tough Guy(With a girl in the vicinity): Hey, you should have been in my position. Then you will know what screwed up really is.I have been through worse. They should really put you through everything I had to undergo. Only then, you will realize how fortunate you are. blah blah blah blah.....

Dude, seriously!!! Are you working for the marines or something??? You are just another guy like me. Every single time I meet you, it always ends on the same note. Do they ask you to do a hundred push-ups every morning??? Cause you really talk like that. Look mate, everyone has their own shit. So don't keep talking as though you have already faced it all!!! And for your information, that girl you are trying to impress is getting really pissed-off about this attitude of yours. Change it before its too late!!!

4. Mr. I-Don't-Give-A-Damn:
- Now here is a character that is so familiar to all of us. The best way to identify this personality is by his come-what-may attitude, which becomes the complete opposite when near a girl. No need for a detailed analysis of this guy as we all know that his ego is bigger than his head!!! Lets move on to a situation I had to face with this personality(A scene at a bar):

Me: Dude, everyone is watching us. Best we make our exit now.

Mr. I-Don't-Give-A-Damn(Case 1: No girl nearby): Yeah. So???

Mr. I-Don't-Give-A-Damn(Case 2: With a girl nearby): You're right!!! We should leave now so that we don't disturb others.

What is wrong with you??? When we are not with the ladies, the crowd around us is almost non-existent to you. But, if you have a girl with you, you suddenly seem to care about everything so much. A case of split personality, I guess!!! But, the one thing which really irked me was that he tipped the waiter!!! Now, that is something that has never ever happened when she is not with him. I have literally seen him checking the table to check if he has left any change, even by mistake!!!

5. Mr. Flirt
- Oh, how can I forget him??? He is generally characterized by his cool outlook and 'chance' encounters with the ladies!!! Well, this guy always plans his actions. And his target is not any one girl in particular. He is on the lookout for just about any girl. He is usually the first one to make small talk with the ladies. So, how does he change?

Scenario A:

Me: Hey, I booked tickets for a movie. Wanna come?

Mr. Flirt: Who else is coming?

Me: Just you, me and the guys.

Mr. Flirt: I have to go out with my family buddy. Sorry I can't make it!

Scenario B:

Me: Hey, I booked tickets for a movie. Wanna come?

Mr. Flirt: Who else is coming?

Me: Just you, me and two girls from another college.

Mr. Flirt: Sure! Why not? I am fully free on that day. What say we 'all' go out to some shopping mall after the movie???

If you notice carefully, Mr. Flirt will not ask any question relating to the movie. On the contrary, he is more interested in who he is going to be with. He usually loves being the center of attention. And if his audience includes even one girl, you can definitely expect a grand performance from him.

There are a lot of other characters you can come up with, but they would always fall into one of these categories. Else, they would be the ones who are proud enough of who they really are and react in a similar manner to any situation. A general word of advice: Girls like guys who can be themselves, no matter what or when. That's what they expect guys. And if you act like someone you are not, imagine what will happen if you have to spend your life with her!!! You will have to act from the time you wake up till you go to bed! Now that's a cruel punishment. Originality is what everyone likes. So be yourself at all times!!!

(Girls, I hope this gives you some insight about what goes on in our minds. It never was a big deal to understand us, but I hope this simplifies it further!!!)
